Press Release
April 15, 2013
Contact: Will Krueger
(512) 463-0121
Senator Zaffirini Recognizes Live Oak, McMullen County Days at State Capitol

(AUSTIN) — The Texas Senate today (Monday) passed a pair of resolutions authored by Senator Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, honoring delegations from Live Oak and McMullen counties visiting the Texas Capitol.

The Live Oak County delegation included County Judge Jim Huff; Sheriff Larry Busby; County Commissioners Richard Lee, Willie James and Donna Mills; and Three Rivers Mayor James Liska. Representing McMullen County were County Judge James Teal and County Attorney Kimberly Kreider-Dusek.

In her remarks on the floor of the Texas Senate, Senator Zaffirini lauded the counties' natural beauty, unique history and flourishing oil and gas industry.

"I am delighted to welcome constituents from Live Oak and McMullen counties to the Texas Capitol," Senator Zaffirini said. "Their visit is a wonderful opportunity not only to promote economic development and tourism, but also to advocate for local legislative and funding priorities."

During their visit to the Capitol Monday, Live Oak and McMullen leaders met with legislators and staff and prioritized transportation issues. A member of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Zaffirini champions funding to improve transportation infrastructure in counties impacted by development in the Eagle Ford Shale. Her Senate Bill (SB) 1778 would establish a transportation infrastructure fund to provide funding for roads impacted by oil and gas exploration and development.

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SENATOR JUDITH ZAFFIRINI, D-Laredo, welcomes leaders from Live Oak and McMullen counties to the Texas Senate. Resolutions authored by Senator Zaffirini designated April 15, 2013, as Live Oak County Day and McMullen County Day at the State Capitol.
