Press Release
September 14, 2006
Contact: Nick Almanza
(512) 463-0121
Statement from Senator Judith Zaffirini Regarding the Death of Former Governor Ann Richards

AUSTIN -- "So significant was Ann Richards' impact on the visage of Texas politics that decades from now while reflecting upon her legacy, future generations of Texans will remember not only a stalwart champion of equality and social justice, but also a dynamic, vibrant woman who loved her state and all its citizens with complete compassion."

"She loved coming to South Texas and my hometown of Laredo. Governor Richards spoke at the opening of the Vidal M. TreviƱo Magnet School and was a regular at the Mr. South Texas celebration. In 1994 she was named Mr. South Texas for her countless contributions and true friendship to the region. She announced at that time she would lead the charge for the bridge that became the World Trade Bridge."

"I also am particularly grateful for her leadership and interest in my Shots Across Texas (immunization) legislation and always will remember that as governor she signed my bill that created Texas A&M International University in 1993. She was a friend of education, a friend of health care and the carrier of the vision that all Texas families should be provided both in abundance."

"Ann Richards was a wonderful leader and a fabulous person. We will miss her."
