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Press Release
April 17, 2023
Contact: (512) 463-0120
Senate Nominations Committee Considers Appointment of Alex Meade to the Texas Transportation Commission

Austin, TX -- Today, the Senate Nominations Committee took up for consideration the nomination by Governor Greg Abbott of Mr. Alex Meade to serve on the Texas Transportation Commission. On March 21, 2023, Governor Abbott announced the appointment of Mr. Meade of Mission to serve as one of five Commissioners charged with governing the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Commissioners are responsible for policymaking regarding the state’s highway system, developing a statewide transportation plan, assisting the development of public transportation and adopting rules for TxDOT’s operation.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, as the senator representing Mr. Meade’s hometown, had to concur with Governor Abbott’s recommendation for this appointment and introduced Mr. Meade during the Senate Confirmation hearing. Over the past three weeks, Mr. Meade has been meeting with members of the Nominations Committee and other Senators and Representatives with oversight of TxDOT to get support for his confirmation.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa released the following statement:

“I was privileged to introduce Alex Meade to the Senate Nominations Committee earlier today. Over the past three weeks, Alex has been meeting with my Senate colleagues and I have heard nothing but positive feedback about his appointment to the Texas Transportation Commission. There is no doubt that he has the experience from the public and private sectors that have prepared him for this position. The hearing today is another step in the process towards final confirmation from the full Senate. I am confident that we will have Alex fully confirmed before the Texas Transportation Commission’s next scheduled meeting on April 27th.”
