October 7, 2009
(512) 463-0117
AUSTIN — Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst appointed State Senator Joan Huffman (R-Southside Place) as one of five Senators to serve on the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission. This unique commission is charged with identifying and eliminating waste, duplication, and inefficiency in 29 government agencies, which are set to expire in 2011 under Texas law.
"I am thrilled by today's appointment," Huffman said. "The Sunset Commission is vital to holding our government accountable to our citizens and improving state services."
The Sunset Advisory Commission was established in 1977, and reviews the policies and programs of more than 150 government agencies every 12 years. Five members of the House of Representatives and two public members will join the Senate appointees to conduct comprehensive evaluations of agencies such as TxDOT, the Railroad Commission, the Texas Public Utility Commission, the Department of Insurance and others. After seeking public input, the Commission will adopt recommendations on how to improve each agency's operations.
Senator Huffman was appointed along with Senators Glenn Hegar, Chairman (R-Katy), Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa, Vice-Chairman (D-McAllen), Robert Nichols (R-Jacksonville), and John Whitmire (D-Houston), as well as public member, Charles McMahen.
"As a fiscal conservative, I look forward to reviewing these agencies and developing innovative recommendations for the legislature to consider in 2011. It is essential every tax dollar is utilized in an effective and efficient manner," said Senator Huffman.