AUSTIN - The third annual Texas observance of National POW/MIA Recognition Day was held Friday, September 17, 1999 on the South steps of the Texas State Capitol. The event was sponsored by Dean of the Texas Senate Carlos Truan of Corpus Christi. Truan serves as Chair of the Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs & Military Installations, and was Master of Ceremonies for the event. "We gather here today to remember those men and women who have made great sacrifices and important contributions to protect our nation and our freedoms," said Truan.
Music for the event was performed by the Veterans Band of Corpus Christi, directed by Ram Chavez. Travis County VFW Council Honor Guard and Tejanos in Action provided the Presentation of Colors. The keynote speaker was Joe Harvey, Chief of Staff, Assistant Secretary of Defense for POW/MIA. Volleys were performed by 1st Battalion, 23rd Marines, USMC Reserve.
In addition to the ceremony, the POW/MIA flag flew above the Capitol in observance of the event.